NHB Show Jumping in association with Shelley Bridgeman

Online Entry

You must be registered and logged in to Main-Events.com to use online entry.


1. The show is closed to spectators.
2. You must be physically well to attend our event. If you are unwell, are a contact of any person who has Covid-19 or has Covid-19 symptoms, are awaiting test results, or are displaying any Covid-19 symptoms, you must stay home and must not attend the show. We reserve the right to evict any person from the show in breach of these requirements.
3. Only competitors and their immediate support specified on the Coid-19 checklist and consent form (such as groom or truck driver) may attend the event.
4. Every person entering the grounds MUST scan the QR codes at the entrance or sign in manually, have signed the Covid-19 checklist and consent form.
5. When at the grounds, you (and your support persons) must remain in your zone, except when warming up or competing.
6. The names of anyone attending the show with you must be specified on you Covid-19 checklist and consent form, so we can allocate zones accordingly.
7. Those requiring access to a shower will need to advise us with your entry as this will be important in allocating zones.
8. To meet Covid-19 Level 2 requirements, the show must run in separate groups of 100 people or less. As such, you will be allocated a zone when you enter the grounds, and you must park and use facilities in this zone. When you leave your zone to compete in an arena, you must scan the QR code of the new zone. Details of the separate zones will be provided prior to the event.
9. You (and your support persons) must wear a mask in all indoor areas, including the ablution blocks and the Secretary’s office. You must also wear a mask in outdoor areas where social distancing could be compromised, such as adjusting practice fences, at food caravans or water filling taps, hose down bays and all stabling areas. If in doubt, please put a mask on. You are not required to wear a mask while you are riding, but are expected to keep a good distance from other riders.
10. Please do not congregate in groups. Your support and commitment to Covid-19 requirements is extremely important to ensuring our sport can continue to operate under Covid-19 Level 2.
11. Good personal hygiene practices should be practiced. Wash and dry your hands before and after activities, cough into your elbow and do not touch your face.
Failure to follow the above requirements and any other rules or guidelines notified to you by the show organisers will result in your immediate elimination and eviction from the event, and ESNZ will be notified of your name and the reason for your exclusion. You consent to any such disclosure of your information to ESNZ.

Event Details

Event code:
Thu 21 Oct 21 - Fri 22 Oct 21
Entries close:
Saturday, 16 October 2021

Fee Policies

Late entries

  • late entries are not available


  • discounts are not available


  • cancellations are disabled

Payment Options

Online Entry Steps

  • Step 1: Select/Add entry type and related info
  • Step 2: Select other items/fees
  • Step 3: Add/edit customer info
  • Step 4: Address and contact details
  • Step 5: Select payment option
  • Step 6: View summary and SUBMIT
  • Finish!

Online entry is closed

Class Changes/Other Messages