Northland Area Mini Circuit Rnd 6 & Training Ring - CPF Red

Online Entry

You must be registered and logged in to to use online entry.


Please ensure you read through and accept all the terms and conditions below for the Mini Circuit Ring and the practice day Ring and have all your details ready for your entry- Any Times shown on the classes are just an estimate - these will change once entries close and numbers are calculated
You will need for the practice days to use the following ( ESNZ Membership and Registration is not required) HOWEVER to use the system you will need to use the following
- Rider full name and ESNZ Number (enter 0000)
- Equine competition name and ESNZ Number (enter 0000 )

Please ensure for Competition Ring you enter all the Registration details required -
Horses not registered can pay a CJL $20 for classes in Ring 1 Horses up to 1.10 Ponies 1m
Please ensure you add all names that are extra with you on the day for numbers for COVID ALERT LEVEL Red

DONT FORGET THE MOST IMPORTANT THING - at the bottom of the confirmation page of classes and fees -
TICK THE I AM OVER 18 BUTTON and PLEASE CONFIRM ENTRY! (if you don't do this entry won't process)

MINI CIRCUIT RING - Competition Rules as per ESNZ - Final Program will be set once entries close - Prize Money Will be paid after the event to Bank Account Supplied. Some classes may be Sweepstake depending on Entries. We will be working on one bubble of 100 so a parking area bubble may operate and you move to ring from that if numbers over 100.

• Riders will be able to enter 2 height classes. There will be two doubles Pony & Horse

• Once your two classes are completed unless you have another equine you must leave the grounds. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is so we can accommodate those still coming onto grounds so we can keep below the 100 people.
• If you have multiple equines at different heights and family members riding you must wait at your truck until your class or they have finished riding.

If you are not sure if your entry has gone through the first time, you will always receive a confirmation email, check spam or junk folder as well - you may have to wait 5 minutes you can also look up the show and see if your name and entries show as they will all be there under competitors.

Any changes after entry please either go on here and click on the messages folder or email me (, Event Secretary- Heather at [email protected] - txt or private messages on FB will not be accepted or answered.

Practice Day Information
Due to us being in COVID-19 Alert Red Level we have some guidelines for this event for us to run safely.
• Stay home if you are feeling unwell
• 2m Social Distances at all times, if this can’t be maintained Mask to be worn.
• Masks to be worn in the toilet block.
Basic hygiene measures include: good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, avoid touching your face, and clean surfaces.
• Wash your hands with soap and water often (for at least 20 seconds) and dry thoroughly. Use an alcohol-based sanitiser and rub hands together if soap and water is unavailable.
• Cough or sneeze into your elbow or cover your mouth and nose with tissues. Put them in a bin immediately.
• Avoid touching your face, including your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. Surfaces may have infectious droplets.
• Clean surfaces regularly. This includes items frequently touch like door handles and phones. There will be cleaning supplies in the toilet please spray surfaces and wipe down before you leave
PRACTICE DAY Red Level - These rules must be adhered to, please don’t come if you don’t wish to follow the guidelines for this event - if you do not follow the below rules you will be asked to leave the grounds
Limit is 100 persons -
• Contract tracing or signing in is now compulsory for everyone entering the facility, this will be done on entry to the grounds- Please avoid bringing anyone other than is required-
• NO SPECTATORS please don’t invite extras to the grounds they will be turned away.

Masks to be worn as much as possible if 2m distance cannot be kept.
• Please can we limit warm-up areas to 5 at a time- if you need to warm up before jumping there are other areas on the park please to do this.
• Riders that are riding multiple horses please make sure you’re a prompt in changing mounts –
• NO standing in large groups and just sitting around on your horses – if you have finished your round please return to your truck and wait for your next ride height.
• If you have finished for the day riding and helping us we please ask you leave the park and no socialising please – We ask that the last few classes please stay to assist with pack up though.
Assisting with height changes
• We ask for as many helpers for this to make the process between heights quicker – Please either
Sanitise your hands at the gate or with your own sanitiser or wear gloves and masks
The gear will all be sprayed Sunday morning with cleaner so will all be ready to go.
We just ask that the last classes stay to pack up the rings you have jumped in.
Please just use common sense and follow social distancing guidelines and any direction given to you by the organising committee.

Event Details

Event code:
Sat 19 Feb 22
Entries close:
Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Fee Policies

Late entries

  • late entries are not available


  • discounts are not available


  • cancellations are disabled

Payment Options

  • Post cheque
  • Bank deposit

Online Entry Steps

  • Step 1: Select/Add entry type and related info
  • Step 2: Select other items/fees
  • Step 3: Add/edit customer info
  • Step 4: Address and contact details
  • Step 5: Select payment option
  • Step 6: View summary and SUBMIT
  • Finish!

Online entry is closed

Class Changes/Other Messages