NZ National Horse & Pony Show

487 - Best Rider, 14 to 17 years

Class Number
Pleasure Horses & Ponies (HOY Qualifier)
Start Date
12 Jan 2020
Ring 4
Entry Fee

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

Bk No Name Region Name Sire PL Pts $PM
56 Piper Smith Napier Gissy - 4 0 0
162 Anya Peterson Napier Tairawhiti Lad - 1 0 0
103 Joshua Redfern-Olsen Masterton Mr Antonio Not known 2 0 0
31 Alex Naera Hastings Cameo - 5 0 0
55 Shaylyn Ward Dannevirke Gembrook Sampson Mill Creek Valiant 3 0 0