Wairarapa A&P Show

321 - Best Combination of Horse & Rider

Horse & Pony Events
Class Number
Pleasure Horse and Pony Classes
Start Date
2 Nov 2014
Pleasure-Western Arena
All Prize Money
$12, 9, 7
Entry Fee

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

Bk No Name Region Name Sire PL Pts Qualify $PM Status
A Staples Amadis
Angela Parkinson Masterton Iriquios
Jo Aliprantis Itinerary Hula Town ACT
Lorelei Olafson Carterton Neo Belmont Golden Boy ACT
Ngarita Brookes Barroco
Rachael Hartree Daria of Silvertrees ACT
Rachel Kerr My Volante ACT
Rebecca Harper Eketahuna Mr Benny Hill
Sarah Massingham Maddison ACT
Toni Swatridge Oakvale Sovereign ACT
Vicki Wolfe Waipawa Mustangs Peace Treaty -
Winnie Doevendans Sahara ACT