Wanaka A&P Show

23 - Best Rider over Jumps under 17 years

Class Number
Start Date
8 Mar 2024
Main Ring
Winner receives a $50 Provida voucher. Judged concurrently with classes 20 & 21. One entry per rider on nominated pony. This pony will be the first to jump if you have more than one entry for the Hunter Jumps.
All Prize Money
$25, 20, 15, 10 .
Trophy/Other Prize
CAPELL'S TROPHY - Best Local Rider
Entry Fee

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

Bk No Name Name NZRPB Region PL
236 Casey Gubb Benrose Silver Lining Timaru
185 Zoe Innes All Heart Otago 4
103 Kate Geddes BG Lennox Canterbury
166 Olivia Mehrtens Bespoke Canterbury 1
41 Coco Cameron Burma Chilli
27 Charlotte Thompson Foxley Pocket Rocket Wanaka 2
169 Kate Pulley Galaxy Spider Southland
45 Annabel Peters Galaxy in Disguise Tapanui 3
227 Electra Roskam Jubilee Glendhe Flicka Winton
Electra Roskam Jubilee Glendhe Flicka Winton
110 Neave O’Connell Like A Boss Otago 5
126 Lucy Drake Smok 'n' Aces Otago Southland
161 Kate Hutchison Sweet Adagio 9305
194 Eleana Daly Tilly South Otago
124 Lydia Cleghorn TnT Nati Timaru