Wanaka A&P Show

23 - Best Rider over Jumps under 17 years

Class Number
Start Date
8 Mar 2024
Main Ring
Winner receives a $50 Provida voucher. Judged concurrently with classes 20 & 21. One entry per rider on nominated pony. This pony will be the first to jump if you have more than one entry for the Hunter Jumps.
All Prize Money
$25, 20, 15, 10 .
Trophy/Other Prize
CAPELL'S TROPHY - Best Local Rider
Entry Fee

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

Bk No Name Name NZRPB Region PL
45 Annabel Peters Galaxy in Disguise Tapanui 3
236 Casey Gubb Benrose Silver Lining Timaru
27 Charlotte Thompson Foxley Pocket Rocket Wanaka 2
41 Coco Cameron Burma Chilli
194 Eleana Daly Tilly South Otago
Electra Roskam Jubilee Glendhe Flicka Winton
227 Electra Roskam Jubilee Glendhe Flicka Winton
103 Kate Geddes BG Lennox Canterbury
161 Kate Hutchison Sweet Adagio 9305
169 Kate Pulley Galaxy Spider Southland
126 Lucy Drake Smok 'n' Aces Otago Southland
124 Lydia Cleghorn TnT Nati Timaru
110 Neave O’Connell Like A Boss Otago 5
166 Olivia Mehrtens Bespoke Canterbury 1
185 Zoe Innes All Heart Otago 4