Kelly Chapman (Rider)


Competitor picture for Kelly Chapman

Showing 1 - 20 of 37

Start date Event name Location Region Type(s)
2024/10/26 Northland Area Grand Prix Show - Labour Weekend Barge Showgrounds Whangarei Northland SH, SJ
2024/06/07 Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June Takapoto Estate, Finlay Road, Maungatautari Waikato SJ
2023/02/04 Marlborough Area SJ Waitangi Weekend Marlborough Equestrian Park, Blenheim Nelson/Tasman
2022/12/15 Taupo Christmas Classic 2022 Fiber Fresh National Equestrian Centre, Taupo Bay of Plenty
2022/10/22 Northland Area Jumping Grand Prix Show Barge Showgrounds Maunu Northland SJ
2022/08/12 Takapoto Winter SJ Series - Weekend 1, 2, 3 & FINAL Takapoto Estate, Finlay Road, Maungatautari Waikato SJ
2022/04/08 Let's Jump - Fiber Fresh Easter Jumping Festival Fiber Fresh NEC - Taupo Bay of Plenty SJ
2022/02/05 ESNZ Marlborough Area Waitangi Show - Going ahead under RED Marlborough Equestrian Park, Blenheim Nelson/Tasman SH, SJ
2021/08/08 SJ Waitemata Auckland Insulation Winter Series #4 of 4 Woodhill Sands Auckland SJ
2021/04/09 Glistening Waters & ESNZ Series Final 2021 Solway Showgrounds, Masterton Wairarapa SH, SJ
2021/03/27 Ray Burmester Memorial Grand Prix show -CLOSED Woodhill Sands Auckland SJ
2021/01/21 Tavendale & Partners NZ National Jumping & SH Championships NEC, McLeans Island, Christchurch Canterbury
2021/01/14 Wairoa A & P Show and Wairoa Jumping Show Wairoa Hawkes Bay DR, SH, SJ, SHW, REC, AP
2020/10/30 Showjumping Waikato Takapoto Estate, Karapiro Waikato SJ
2020/10/24 Northland Area Grand Prix Show Barge Showgrounds Northland
2019/10/26 Northland Jumping Grand Prix Show Barge Showgrounds Northland SJ
2018/01/11 Continental Cars Audi Waitemata World Cup Festival Woodhill Sands Auckland
2017/12/14 Fiber Fresh Taupo Christmas Classic 2017 NEC, Taupo Bay of Plenty
2017/10/21 Northland Jumping Grand Prix Show - Local Mini Circuit 3+4 Barge Showgrounds Northland SH, SJ
2017/05/21 SJ Waitemata Auckland Insulation Winter Series - Day One Woodhill Sands Auckland SJ