Angelina Dorrian (Rider)


Competitor picture for Angelina Dorrian

Auckland, New Zealand

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User picture for Angelina Dorrian Angelina Dorrian

Info Items

Short Profile Full time rider and trainer . Competed to 1* Eventing and Level 4 Dressage, Trained Race Horses for 10 years.
Have trained and competed in Scotland when younger, BHSAI, qualified Equine Smart Bowen Practitioner and Health and Wellness Coach .
I have had a passion for horses since I can remember and this has developed into educating horses and riders to be their best. I believe every horse has something to teach us and they all have their own unique personalities so you need to train each as an individual, even if this means that it takes longer than expected, We are constantly learning and need to be open minded to new ideas. Moving through the levels, the enjoyment and satisfaction is having a horse that is happy and wanting to work with you without tension.