Marlborough Spring Jumping Show 2023

Edward NZPH (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Horse/Pony Profile for announcer

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showjumping and Show Hunters 11 - Horse - AM5 IJO Art.238.2.2 - 1.05 - 1.10m kindly sponsored by Starborough Wines Edward NZPH · Tamara Silcock
Showjumping and Show Hunters 12 - Horse AM5 IJO Art.238.2.2 1.10m Edward NZPH · Tamara Silcock
Showjumping and Show Hunters 24 - Horse Teschmaker Trophy AM5 - 1.15-1.20m Art.238.2.2 1.15-1.20m Edward NZPH · Tamara Silcock
Showjumping and Show Hunters 33 - Horse Championship AM5 IJO Art.238.2.2 1.15m Edward NZPH · Tamara Silcock
Competitor picture for Edward NZPH