SCNO Championship Show

Ellangowan Monarch (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

Kristie Hill and Ava Allsopp-Hill
Weston Carillion
Horse/Pony Profile for announcer
Ellangowan Monarch (Archie) is a 11.3hh Welsh Mountain Pony who is much loved by his rider Ava. They have been competing in the show ring and this is their first season doing SH.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showjumping 100 - Practice Round #1 (Pony can do Max of 2) Ellangowan Monarch · Ava Allsopp-Hill
Showjumping 101 - Practice Round #2 (Pony can do Max of 2) Ellangowan Monarch · Ava Allsopp-Hill
Competitor picture for Ellangowan Monarch