Takapoto Winter SJ Series - Weekend 1, 2, 3 & FINAL

Charlotte Mcguire (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Charlotte is 17 years old, working as a PA for a realestate agent. She has previously jumped to pony mini prix with her recent pony and is now focussing on the junior rider series with her current show jumpers.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Weekend Three - 16-17 July 44 - Horse 1.10m - A2 Art 238 2.1 (may enter one 1.10 not both) Charlotte Mcguire · Matrix I Spy
Weekend Three - 16-17 July 53 - Horse 1.15m - AM5 238 2.2 - IJO Charlotte Mcguire · Matrix I Spy
Weekend Three - 16-17 July 53.2 - Junior Rider 1.15m. AM5 238 2.2 - IJO - run in conjunction with Class 53 Charlotte Mcguire · Matrix I Spy
FINAL - 13-14 August 60.6 - Practice Round - 1.10m Charlotte Mcguire · Matrix I Spy
Competitor picture for Charlotte Mcguire