Takapoto Winter SJ Series - Weekend 1, 2, 3 & FINAL

DSE Exuberance (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

Rosanna Dickson
Horse/Pony Profile for announcer
DSE Exuberance (known as Marty at home), was previously competed by Jeremy Whale and bred by Donna Smith. Marty is Rosanna's first horse riding at this level of competition and is a wee firecracker in a jump off.

No major wins together yet but am working hard to change that!
Rider Profile for announcer

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Weekend One 14-15 May 10 - Horse 1.25m - AM5 238 2.2 - IJO DSE Exuberance · Rosanna Dickson
Weekend One 14-15 May 10.1 - Pro-Am Rider 1.25m- AM5 238 2.2 - IJO - run in conjunction with Class 10 DSE Exuberance · Rosanna Dickson
Weekend Two 10-12 June 24 - Horse 1.30m - A2 Art 238 2.1 DSE Exuberance · Rosanna Dickson
Weekend Two 10-12 June 26 - Horse 1.20m - A2 Art 238 2.1 DSE Exuberance · Rosanna Dickson
Weekend One 14-15 May 4 - Horse 1.20m - A2 Art 238 2.1 DSE Exuberance · Rosanna Dickson
Weekend One 14-15 May 5 - Horse 1.30m - A2 Art 238 2.1 DSE Exuberance · Rosanna Dickson
Competitor picture for DSE Exuberance