NZ Show Horse Council Nationals - Going ahead under RED

The show will go on!
Sunday, 23 January 2022

The show will go on as scheduled at SHC Nationals- Hawkes Bay Showgrounds

Rules under red traffic light

- EVERYONE (12 years and above) attending the show MUST be double vaccinated
- Masks must be worn by everyone over the age of 8 (riders and leader exempt)
- Camping will only be available to people who live MORE than 100kms from Hawkes Bay Showgrounds
- Competitors can only have 1 additional support person per rider/horse combination (please ask if you need clarification around this as names have to be nominated on entry and will be checked at the gate)
- We will have different bubbles (camping bubble, day bubble, ring bubble etc) so people will be required to comply with ruling around these (an email will be sent after entries close to competitors)
- Everyone will be required to sign in and provide vaccine pass on arrival at NZSHC show

See you there!