Larsen Sawmilling Equestrian Championships

Macy Heaton (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
18 year old student, In my last year of High School at Havelock North High School

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
SJ and SH 2 - Open Horse 1.15m - Horses over 7 years Special 2Phase, Art Macy Heaton · T n T
SJ and SH 31 - Open Horse AM5 1.10m Art 238.2.2 Macy Heaton · T n T
SJ and SH 43 - MAINLAND COACHWORK Junior Rider Series with Equitation Art 238.2.2 Macy Heaton · T n T
SJ and SH 9 - Open Horse A1 90cm Art 238.1.1 Macy Heaton · PHS Armando
SJ and SH 90 - HOYQ Hunter 90cm Macy Heaton · PHS Armando
SJ and SH 91 - HOYQ Hunter 1.00m Macy Heaton · PHS Armando
SJ and SH 92 - SPORT HORSE Junior Highpoints HOYQ 1.00m Macy Heaton · PHS Armando
Competitor picture for Macy Heaton