Larsen Sawmilling Equestrian Championships

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
SJ and SH 10 - Open Horse A1 1.00m Art 238.1.1 Jane Rau · Frenchie
SJ and SH 105 - HOYQ Horse Hunter 1.00m Jane Rau · Frenchie
SJ and SH 51 - Open Horse Classic AM5 95cm Art 238.2.2 Jane Rau · Frenchie
SJ and SH 52 - Open Horse Classic AM5 1.05cm Art 238.2.2 Jane Rau · Frenchie
SJ and SH 88 - Introductory (no HOYQ points) 'LP' 80cm Jane Rau · Frenchie
SJ and SH 89 - Introductory (no HOYQ points) 'LP' 90cm Jane Rau · Frenchie
SJ and SH 9 - Open Horse A1 90cm Art 238.1.1 Jane Rau · Frenchie
SJ and SH 91 - HOYQ Hunter 1.00m Jane Rau · Frenchie
Competitor picture for Jane Rau