Poverty Bay A&P Show, Gisborne

Isabella Narracci (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Isabella is a 16 yr old showjumper from Hawkes bay
Link to ESNZ Rider Profile

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showjumping & Show Hunter 307 - Open Horse 1.15m Art 274 2.5.1 (special two phase) Isabella Narracci · Bjorking
Showjumping & Show Hunter 309 - Open Horse 1.30m AM5 Art 238.2.2 Isabella Narracci · Good Time
Showjumping & Show Hunter 318 - Intro Horse 80cm Art 274 1.5.1 Isabella Narracci · Haupouri Hollywood
Showjumping & Show Hunter 319 - Intro Horse 90cm Art 274 1.5.1 Isabella Narracci · Haupouri Hollywood
Showjumping & Show Hunter 322 - MAINLAND COACHWORK Junior Rider Series with equitation 1.15m - 1.25m AM5 Art 238 2.2 Isabella Narracci · Bjorking
Showjumping & Show Hunter 326 - FMG Young Rider Series 1.25m - 1.35m AM5 Art 238 2.2 Isabella Narracci · Good Time
Showjumping & Show Hunter 329 - Intro Horse 90cm Two phase Art 274 1.5.1. Isabella Narracci · Haupouri Hollywood
Competitor picture for Isabella Narracci