Takapoto Winter SJ Series FINAL - Weekend #4 of 4  FULL

out done (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

Horse/Pony Profile for announcer
9 year old, station breed
Rider Profile for announcer

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showjumping 63 - Horse 1.10m - A2 Art 238 2.1 out done · Loran Mathis
Showjumping 69 - Horse 1.15m - AM5 238 2.2 - IJO out done · Loran Mathis
Showjumping 69.1 - Amateur Rider 1.15m. AM5 238 2.2 - IJO - run in conjunction with Class 69 out done · Loran Mathis
Competitor picture for out done