Takapoto Winter SJ Series - Weekend #1 of 4

Catherine Prior (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Catherine Prior 27 year old based in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Occupation: Full time Accounts Manager as well as running their own construction company, Dennison Contracting.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showjumping 8 - Horse 1.05m - AM5 238 2.2 - IJO Catherine Prior · Freddy Or Not
Showjumping 9 - Horse 1.15m - AM5 238 2.2 - IJO Catherine Prior · Joy Ride
Showjumping 9.1 - Amateur Rider 1.15m. AM5 238 2.2 - IJO - run in conjunction with Class 9 Catherine Prior · Joy Ride
Competitor picture for Catherine Prior