Clareville Classic Jumping weekend

Bellagio Gnz (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

Horse/Pony Profile for announcer
Sophie has been riding Barney for one season. He is her mother's favourite horse ever and will live out his retirement on the Geddes farm disguised as a decorative garden ornament.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Jumping and Showhunter 101 - Open Horse 1.20m A2 Art 238.2.1 Bellagio Gnz · Sophie Geddes
Jumping and Showhunter 120 - Equivet NZ Horse 1.30m Art 238.2.2 Bellagio Gnz · Sophie Geddes
Jumping and Showhunter 120 - Equivet NZ Horse 1.30m Art 238.2.2 Bellagio Gnz · Sophie Geddes
Competitor picture for Bellagio GNZ