Clareville Classic Jumping weekend

Hollie Falloon (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
hollie is 16 and goes to wairarapa college

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Jumping and Showhunter 105 - Robertson Canvas Pony 1.15m Hollie Falloon · Buzzie Bees Max
Jumping and Showhunter 105 - Robertson Canvas Pony 1.15m Hollie Falloon · Boy Wizard
Jumping and Showhunter 115 - Horse 95cm A1 Art 238.1.1 Hollie Falloon · Sweet Chilli
Jumping and Showhunter 116 - Horse 1.00m A1 Art 238.1.1 Hollie Falloon · Sweet Chilli
Jumping and Showhunter 121 - Country TV Pony Grand Prix Series Art Hollie Falloon · Buzzie Bees Max
Jumping and Showhunter 123 - Panorama Equestrian Pony 1.15m - 1.20m AM5 IJO Art 238.2.2 Hollie Falloon · Boy Wizard
Jumping and Showhunter 127 - Horse 90cm Art (special two phase) (introductory) Hollie Falloon · Sweet Chilli
Jumping and Showhunter 128 - Horse 1.00m Art (special two phase) Hollie Falloon · Sweet Chilli
Competitor picture for Hollie Falloon