Ray Burmester Memorial Grand Prix show -CLOSED

NEW today ... messaging on Main-Events.com
Friday, 12 February 2021

NEW today ... messaging on Main-Events.com. Secretaries and riders alike will love our new messaging function. Riders can click a button on the ONLINE ENTRY tab to send class changes, stabling requests, and other messages to the show secretary. Secretaries can then reply and tick the message as DONE once actioned.

Riders can go back at any stage and see their list of messages with the response clicking on this CLASS CHANGES/OTHER MESSAGES green button.

This initiative is part of our campaign to minimise emails - more and more of which are landing in spam these days! So if you want to be sure the secretary sees your message and has actioned it, check out our new CLASS CHANGES/OTHER MESSAGES.

Bringing peace of mind to both riders and secretaries alike!

You can start now from https://www.main-events.com/event/6279/ray-burmester-memorial-grand-prix-show/onlineentry . Click to ADD a message and click again later to VIEW your messages.