Show Jumping Canterbury Jumping Championships

Galaxy Sapphire (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

Link to ESNZ Horse Profile

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Show Jumping, Show Hunter and Helpers Jobs 17 - Introductory Pony 80cm Galaxy Sapphire · Allison Flett *
Show Jumping, Show Hunter and Helpers Jobs 18 - Marinetec Engineering Open Pony Series 90cm Galaxy Sapphire · Allison Flett *
Show Jumping, Show Hunter and Helpers Jobs 43 - Marinetec Engineering Open Pony Series 90cm Galaxy Sapphire · Allison Flett *
Show Jumping, Show Hunter and Helpers Jobs 61 - I Am ONLY Riding in Ring 3 at this Show Galaxy Sapphire · Allison Flett *
Competitor picture for Galaxy Sapphire