Glistening Waters & ESNZ Series Final 2021

The Series Season End
Monday, 12 April 2021

Our Wairarapa Showjumping and Showhunter Area Group would like to thank all sponsors, riders and supporters that travelled from many parts of the North and South Island to attend this show. Your support in numbers has really helped showcase an amazing end to the Jumping Series.
A big part of our show was the support from Showhunter both in competitor attendance and officials who were there to help make a true ESNZ Series Final event with both codes extremely well attended.
From the Friday evening BBQ and Borthwick Wine tasting, Saturday sponsors luncheon and finally the NZPH Mix & Mingle followed by the awards dinner on Saturday night you all helped to make this prestigious show come to life.
A big thanks must also go to the Masterton A&P Association who presented our group with grounds and facilities in tip top order to bring this event to the wider equestrian community
The Area group is mindful of the trip home for many sponsors, riders and their families and we hope you have all travelled safely to your destinations
Our group looks forward to catching up with you all next season and wishes you all the best over the winter months
Glistening Waters ESNZ National Series Final 2022 - 'bring it on' we will definitely being inviting you back