Show Jumping Waitemata Jumping Extravaganza

Charlotte Treneary (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Charlotte is 17 years old, her main focus is Eventing and Show jumps regularly to keep sharp. She is currently doing an apprenticeship starting horses.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Show Jumping 10 - Horse 90cm A2 ART 238.2.1 Charlotte Treneary · MC Levitate
Show Jumping 10 - Horse 90cm A2 ART 238.2.1 Charlotte Treneary · MC Lockdown
Show Jumping 11 - Horse 1m A2 ART 238.2.1 Charlotte Treneary · MC Levitate
Show Jumping 11 - Horse 1m A2 ART 238.2.1 Charlotte Treneary · MC Lockdown
Competitor picture for Charlotte Treneary