CANCELLED - Clareville Classic Jumping weekend

Luce williams (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Local to wairarapa, has a daughter now competing at shows so juggling her own horses and trying to be there to help her daughter

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Jumping and Showhunter 108 - Horse 1.05m Art 274.2 special two phase Luce williams · Grassendale Enzo
Jumping and Showhunter 109 - Horse 1.10m Art 274.2 special two phase Luce williams · Grassendale Enzo
Jumping and Showhunter 125 - Horse 1.10m Championship AM5 Art 238.2.2 Luce williams · Grassendale Enzo
Jumping and Showhunter 128 - Horse 1.00m Art 274.2 special two phase Luce williams · Grassendale Enzo
Competitor picture for Luce williams