Masterton A & P Show

Sophie Pound (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
13yo who has bee riding competitively for the last 2 years.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Jumping and Showhunter 583 - Intro - 70cm Sophie Pound · Afallons Royal Sensation
Jumping and Showhunter 584 - Open Pony. 80cm HOYQ Sophie Pound · Afallons Royal Sensation
Jumping and Showhunter 585 - GRASSYARDS FARM Open Pony High Points Max 80cm HOYQ Sophie Pound · Afallons Royal Sensation
Jumping and Showhunter 586 - Open Pony Championship. Category A & B. 70cm, 80cm HOYQ Sophie Pound · Afallons Royal Sensation
Competitor picture for Sophie Pound