Larsen Sawmilling Showjumping Championships

Barbie Doll RSNZ (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

No public info for this competitor

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 12 - Introductory Pony A1 80cm Art 238.1.1 Barbie Doll RSNZ · Hudson Sims
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 14 - Open Pony A1 1.00m Art 238.1.1 Barbie Doll RSNZ · Hudson Sims
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 35 - Introductory Pony A1 80cm Art 238.1.1 (two rounds) Barbie Doll RSNZ · Hudson Sims
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 36 - Open Pony AM5 1.00m Art 238.2.2 Barbie Doll RSNZ · Hudson Sims
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 51 - Open Pony Classic AM5 1.05m Art 238.2.2 Barbie Doll RSNZ · Hudson Sims
Competitor picture for Barbie Doll RSNZ