Larsen Sawmilling Showjumping Championships

Julie Davey (Rider)

Competitor Info

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Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 21 - Open Horse AM5 1.35m Art 238.2.2 first round, with a TC jump off Art Julie Davey · Ngahiwi Stone
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 29 - EAST COAST PERFORMANCE HORSES 5 Year Old Breeding Series A1 1.15m Art 238.1.1 Julie Davey · LT Holst Freda
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 38 - Open Horse Classic AM5 1.35m Art 238.2.2 Julie Davey · Ngahiwi Stone
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 40 - EQUISSAGE HORSE GRAND PRIX 1.40m-1.50m Art;; Julie Davey · Joligne De Carmel
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 5 - Open Horse A2 1.40m Art 238.2.1 Julie Davey · Ngahiwi Stone
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 5 - Open Horse A2 1.40m Art 238.2.1 Julie Davey · Joligne De Carmel
Show Jumping and Show Hunter 9 - Open Horse AM5 1.15m - Horses 7 years & under Art (2 phase) Julie Davey · LT Holst Freda
Competitor picture for Julie Davey