SJ Canterbury Xmas Cracker Premier Show

Ngatiwai Sugar and Spice (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

No public info for this competitor

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
EQUESTRIAN 214 - Warm up 50cm 8am - 8.55am Ngatiwai Sugar and Spice · Olivia Cassie
EQUESTRIAN 221 - Introductory Pony 70cm (Riders in their first season of SH) Ngatiwai Sugar and Spice · Olivia Cassie
EQUESTRIAN 222 - Introductory Pony 70cm Restricted to Ponies with 3 or less wins at start of the current season Ngatiwai Sugar and Spice · Olivia Cassie
EQUESTRIAN 226 - Introductory Pony 80cm - restricted to ponies with 3 or fewer wins in a recognised SH Class non HoY Ngatiwai Sugar and Spice · Olivia Cassie
EQUESTRIAN 351 - Saturday SH Pony Gate Keeper 9.00-12.00pm Ngatiwai Sugar and Spice · Olivia Cassie
Competitor picture for Ngatiwai Sugar and Spice