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Show Jumping Waitemata Winter Training Series - FOUR DAYS



Showing 1 - 20 of 195

Competitor type Name Class entries
Horse/Pony Abu 2
Horse/Pony Ace of Hearts 7
Rider Alana England 2
Rider Alessandra MacFarlane 6
Horse/Pony Allenby Flint 2
Rider Amara Green 10
Rider Amelie Chaplin 2
Horse/Pony Anastasia 2
Rider Ann Fletcher 1
Horse/Pony Apatchy of Kitford 12
Horse/Pony Astek Radiance 1
Horse/Pony A'Stoile Meeka 3
Horse/Pony Athena of Alshar 8
Rider Atiria Young-Ogle 3
Rider Bailee Sterling 31
Rider Bailey Benshaw 2
Horse/Pony Barnaby OTT NZ 6
Horse/Pony Barry 1
Horse/Pony Belle 3
Horse/Pony Bellissimo 8