DISCOVERY - Create your FREE Online Entry Show here


This event finished approximately 3 years ago


>>>> START the SETUP PROCESS from the ONLINE ENTRY tab. <<<<

No show is too small to have online entry for their riders - and riders LOVE online entry.

We invite you to discover how easy it is to provide the convenience of online entry for your riders but without ANY cost to your show aside from 10 minutes of your time now. Yes, that is right. No cost. FREE online entry. And FREE support. For as many shows as you want.

We are proudly announcing our Main-Events Discovery package !

You tell us a bit about your show here and now and then our team will set up your show, make you the administrator so that you can edit the classes and entry fees online, add sponsors and upload other information. You simply tick what questions to ask the rider from the list we provide of the most popular items - or you can tell us what else you need and we will try to do that for you. It is all here and so simple to set up.

We have even uploaded instructions on how to do all this under the DOCUMENTS tab.

Then once Main-Events approves your show, it is opened for online entry. Your nominated secretary will get a full email for each online entry made with all the answers they need to run the show. You can then print and file; or copy and paste into the system of your choice - eg a spreadsheet or word document.

This IS the real deal - no fees - shows only pay when they want to DOWNLOAD the data directly. With this free version, you copy and paste from each email into your existing spreadsheet or software system just like you are probably doing now. But with DISCOVERY, you don't have to decipher bad handwriting, mail doesn't go missing and we add up the fees so it is always the right amount. The riders are told how much to pay and into whatever bank account you nominate.

Get it right the first time. Get started with Main-Events DISCOVERY package for as many shows as you run.

When you are ready to upgrade further, we can talk about upgrading to the next level where everything merges into specialised equestrian software JUST EQUESTRIAN.


Full Details

Event code:
Tue 1 Dec 20 - Thu 31 Dec 20
For all equestrian activities
New Zealand
Event type(s):
Entries open:
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
Entries close:
Monday, 30 November 2020
Event admins: