Canterbury Show Jumping and Show Hunter Championships

Y-Puna Fergie (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

No public info for this competitor

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Equestrian & Job Selection 201 - Horse Warm-up 70cm (7.30-8.25am) Y-Puna Fergie · Viv Butcher
Equestrian & Job Selection 202 - Welcome Introductory Horse 70cm Y-Puna Fergie · Viv Butcher
Equestrian & Job Selection 203 - Introductory Horse 80cm Y-Puna Fergie · Viv Butcher
Equestrian & Job Selection 205 - Horse Rising Star 85cm restricted to horses with 30 or less points at beginning of season HOYQ Y-Puna Fergie · Viv Butcher
Equestrian & Job Selection 347 - Saturday Reset of SH Pony completion of last class Y-Puna Fergie · Viv Butcher
Competitor picture for Y-Puna Fergie