8 - NZ National 1.10m Horse Championship First Competition Art 38/Table C

Class Number
Start Date
9 Feb 2018
Ring 2
Graded (Yes/No)
All Prize Money
$200, 180, 150, 110, 90, 90
Entry Fee

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

Bk No Name Sire Name Region PL % Score Pts Notes $PM
Ngahiwi Jitterbug - Emma Pilcher -
Snazzy As - Emma Pilcher -
Hugo - Maddison Thompson - 3 0 150
London - Kate Taylor -
Charlie - Augusta Thompson -
Renoir NZPH Emma Waite Ashburton
Riverbrook Sea Hawk Pippa Beth Bishop Blenheim
Zactac Carnival Centarvos Helen Ensor Blenheim
Milburn Maringo Olivia Waddy Cheviot North Canterbury
La Fonteyn Olivia Orange Christchurch
Adele Andretti Courtney Townsend Darfield, Canterbury
Midnight Magic Rumble - Rachel Beattie Dunedin 4 0 110
Lowlands Schnapps - Rachel Beattie Dunedin
Captain America NZPH Georgia Urquhart Fairlie
Sunny Disposition Grace Percy Glenorchy 1 0 200
Catapillar - Jessie Vaughan Kaikoura
Wonderguy Bridget Collins Palmerston Otago
SD Amourosi Rebecca Smithey Rangiora / Christchurch
Summer Haze Jessica Sonne Springston
KWL Midship - Karen McRae Te Anau
Silversmith Eurosport Centavos Amy McMullan Timaru 5 0 90
Arctic Invader Englishe Ending Harriet Gardner Waimate
Utah Jazz NZPH Cabdula du Tillard Elizabeth Vincent Wakefield, Nelson
Glenbrooke Rich as Roses Cassini De Eclipse Sophie Scott Wellington
Glenbrooke All Roses Sophie Scott Wellington
Emilio MSH Harry Feast West Melton
AA Bedazzled Kirstin Beaven West Melton
Ngahiwi Little Regan - Anna Maley-Blease
Arovet Li Courtney Thompson
Tussock Grove Janelle Gibson
Ignition Olivia Shinn
Kinsale II Aliesha Deans
Prestige - Rosa Buist-Brown 2 0 180
Tallaght Margaret Ridley
Miss Serendipity II Candace Kingsbury 6 0 90
Repertoire ll Jessica Fahey
Alamo Picasso Steffi Whittaker