HB Showing Championships 2016

KS Sonny Bill (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

No public info for this competitor

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showing Classes 1 - . Best presented Led Show Horse KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 231 - Best Presented Galloway KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 232 - BEST Novice Galloway Exhibit (see rule 6) KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 234 - Open Galloway over 148cm and up to 153cm KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 236 - Best Paced & Mannered Galloway KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 351 - Best Presented Park Hack over 148cm & not exceeding 158cm KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 353 - Novice Park Hack (0 – 5 wins) KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 354 - Novice Paced and Mannered Park Hack, 0-5 wins KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 355 - Open Park Hack over 148cm not to exceed 153cm KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 357 - Lady’s Park Hack on Type (maybe ridden by a Lady or Gentleman) KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Showing Classes 5 - Gelding 4 years and over KS Sonny Bill · Christina Dunn
Competitor picture for KS Sonny Bill