Poverty Bay A&P Show (Gisborne)

Lulu Tombleson (Rider)

Competitor Info

No public info for this competitor

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showing 561 - Tomorrow's Stars Entry Fee Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black
Showing 562 - Best walking pony/horse Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black
Showing 563 - Best trotting pony Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black
Showing 564 - Rider on the flat pony Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black
Showing 565 - Pair of ponies/horses Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black
Showing 566 - Pony/horse and rider combination Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black
Showing 567 - Trot and lead race pony Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black
Showing 568 - Egg and spoon race pony Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black
Showing 569 - Open jump Lulu Tombleson · Jack Black