Masterton A&P Show

629 - COUNTRY TV Pony Grand Prix

Show Jumping
Start Date
21 Feb 2016
Solway Oval
Graded (Yes/No)
Class Sponsor
Draw Order
All Prize Money
$80, 65, 50, 40, 35, 30
Results Rcvd
Entry Fee

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

St No Start Bk No Horse/Pony Sire Rider Region Pl Pts Tot Faults JO Time R1 Time R1 Faults Notes Qual? $PM
6 Hez Sweet As sophie scott wellington
2 waiotahi belle sophie scott wellington
4 Ronnie Amanda Steele
3 Sushi Ike Baker Pauatahanui
1 Te Urewera Magic Clare Cvitanovich Wanganui
7 Spot You Later Parys Marshall 1 10 80
9 Mr Acho ruby mason 2 8 65
11 Benrose Playtime sophie scott wellington 3 6 50
10 guthrie shanae mckay Horowhenua 4 4 40
8 Surprise Illusion Georgia Percy Wairarapa 5 2 35
5 kabo so far leah mckay Horowhenua 6 1 30