NZ National Show Jumping & Show Hunter Championships 2016

Sophie Allison (Rider)

Competitor Info

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Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showjumping & Show Hunter 69 - NRM Pony Rider Equitation Series 80cm Sophie Allison · The Black Parade
Showjumping & Show Hunter 70 - Cat C Rising Star Open to Cat C ponies with less than 30 pts at start of current season HoYQ 80cm Sophie Allison · The Black Parade
Showjumping & Show Hunter 71 - Category C HoYQ 90cm Sophie Allison · The Black Parade
Showjumping & Show Hunter 72 - Aniwell Category C High Points 90cm HoYQ Sophie Allison · The Black Parade
Showjumping & Show Hunter 83 - NZ National Pony Rising Star Classic Championship open ponies with less than 30pts at start season Sophie Allison · The Black Parade
Showjumping & Show Hunter 86 - NZ National Category C Pony Championship HoYQ 90cm Sophie Allison · The Black Parade
Competitor picture for Sophie Allison