Manawatu A&P Show

2437 - Best Rider 21 years and over

Class Number
Pleasure Horse/Pony - Adult Riders
Start Date
9 Nov 2014
Ring 4
All Prize Money
$15, 10, 8
Entry Fee

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

Bk No Name Region Name PL Pts $PM Status
Jo Aliprantis - Itinerary 2 0 10 ACT
Rebecca Harper - Mr Benny Hill ACT
Patrice Palleson Palmerston North Rumour Has It ACT
Tracey Ross - Rustic Knight Ii ACT
Cherie Cromarty - Rockstar Addiction ACT
Kylie Hastings Feilding T D Bear ACT
Hayley Gardiner Feilding Meersbrooke Southern Man ACT
Roxanne Gimblett - Splashn Out ACT
Tara Bignold - Sp Juan ACT
Diane Girvan - Ellenanne ACT
Rachel Kerr - My Volante 3 0 8 ACT
Toni Swatridge - Oakvale Sovereign 4 0 0 ACT
Rachael Hartree - Daria Of Silvertrees ACT
Rosalind Muir - Red Dior
Jennine Stretch - Feather 1 0 15