FIBER FRESH Taupo Christmas Classic 2013

Taupo NEC Covered Yards Lease Scheme
Monday, 22 July 2013

A covered yard complex is to be built at the Fiber Fresh National Equestrian Centre, Taupo – with support being sought from ESNZ members by way of a seven-year lease scheme.

Wallie Niederer, NEC Convenor, says the covered yards complex will be an important compliment to the proposed indoor stadium.

He says the NEC has received funding from the Trustpower CommunityCare Fund for $25,000 to get the covered yards project underway.

To generate additional capital for the project a new lease scheme has been developed.

The scheme will enable owners/riders or their nominees to purchase for $1000 (plus GST) the right to lease a new covered yard at the NEC for a seven-year period. This can be paid in full or in installments of $100 over 12 months and a tax invoice will be supplied.

The new yards will have power (lights and plugs) and water and will have an overnight charge of $20.

“Covered yards always in high demand during competitions at the NEC. By taking out a yard lease riders and owners are not only supporting the building of the covered yards but ensuring they have the use of one.”

The design of the yards will be similar to those at Manfield and Foxton show grounds: with a centre aisle and yards facing inwards and outwards. The complex will be located on the right-hand side of the main truck entrance.

“We have taken tenders from builders and will be evaluating the best option in terms of construction and cost but we really need to generate the capital to get started.”

Wallie says it is important ESNZ members are aware the NEC belongs to them.

“Neither the North Island or South Island NEC receive any funding from the ESNZ and must be self-financing through users. However, the positive aspect of this is that all money generated goes back into the Centre for its benefit – and that of its users.”

The land at the NEC in Taupo is leased from the Department of Conservation in perpetuity. Land Corp also allows the NEC to access its neighbouring bock for use when required.

“Earthworks are to be carried out in the next few months with the aim of having the yards built by the end of the year.

“We have a great team of locals who volunteer their time and earth moving equipment which is a significant saving to the NEC.”

To purchase a new covered yard lease, or for more information on the scheme, please contact Mark King, email: [email protected], or ph 07 376 1700.

For more information, please contact:

Wallie Niederer
Fiber Fresh NEC, Taupo Convenor
Ph.: 0274 930 652