Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June

Erica Alderton (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Ex lawyer now stay at home mother to three young kids, Monty, Harry and Grace, who all also love riding. I am a true Amateur and riding is purely for pleasure and partnership with my horses.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Takapoto June Event 10 - Horse 1.15m - AM5 Art 238 2.2 Erica Alderton · Sundays Jazz
Takapoto June Event 14 - Horse 1.05m - AM5 Art 238 2.2 IJO Erica Alderton · Cassiopeia
Takapoto June Event 15 - Horse 1.15m - AM5 Art 238 2.2 IJO Erica Alderton · Sundays Jazz
Competitor picture for Erica Alderton