Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - May

Emily Sherlock (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Usually a full time Equine Veterinarian at Waikato Equine Veterinary Centre but now on maternity leave having had her daughter back in December 2023. Now trying to juggle motherhood and get back into the saddle.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Takapoto May Event 10 - Horse 1.25m - Gambler Stakes Art 270.2 - for a schooling round at this height the course will also be numbered with normal distances. Emily Sherlock · Asti Amore
Takapoto May Event 13 - Horse 1.15m - AM5 Art 238 2.2 IJO Emily Sherlock · Asti Amore
Competitor picture for Emily Sherlock