Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - May

Madison Jackson (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Madison is 18years old, based in Auckland attending the University of Auckland. She is the current 2022 National Junior Rider champion, which she won aboard Henton Excalibur in February this year.
Madison trains with Jeff McVean and was lucky enough to

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Takapoto May Event 0.7 - Practice Round - 1.20m Madison Jackson · DiCaprio CSNZ
Takapoto May Event 10 - Horse 1.25m - Gambler Stakes Art 270.2 - for a schooling round at this height the course will also be numbered with normal distances. Madison Jackson · DiCaprio CSNZ
Takapoto May Event 3 - Horse 1.20m - A2 Art 238 2.1 Madison Jackson · DiCaprio CSNZ
Competitor picture for Madison Jackson