Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - May

Anna Kincheff (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Anna is 27 years old. She is a Chartered Accountant from Rotorua. Won the New Zealand Showhunter horse of the year in 2019. Proudly sponsored by Canter for Cancer. Coached by Lisa Coupe

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Takapoto May Event 11 - Horse 95cm - AM5 Art 238 2.2 IJO Anna Kincheff · Astronaut GZ
Takapoto May Event 12 - Horse 1.05m - AM5 Art 238 2.2 IJO Anna Kincheff · Red Socks
Takapoto May Event 5 - Horse 1.10m - Take your own line Art 271 - for a schooling round at this height the course will also be numbered with normal distances. Anna Kincheff · Astronaut GZ
Takapoto May Event 6 - Horse 90cm - A2 Art 238 2.1 Anna Kincheff · Red Socks
Takapoto May Event 7 - Horse 1.00m - A2 Art 238 2.1 Anna Kincheff · Astronaut GZ
Takapoto May Event 7 - Horse 1.00m - A2 Art 238 2.1 Anna Kincheff · Red Socks
Competitor picture for Anna Kincheff