Wanaka A&P Show

Ataahua Penny Royal (Horse/Pony)

Competitor Info

Michelle Bradley
Breed Registration

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showing 128 - Ridden Mare or Gelding Registered with the NZ Riding Pony Society - up to 148cm Ataahua Penny Royal · Millie Simms
Showing 130 - Best Presented Show Pony and Rider Ataahua Penny Royal · Millie Simms
Showing 135 - Open Show Pony over 133cm and not exceeding 138cm Ataahua Penny Royal · Millie Simms
Showing 136 - Open Paced and Mannered Show Pony - over 128cm and not exceeding 138cm Ataahua Penny Royal · Millie Simms
Showing 137 - Best Rider Ataahua Penny Royal · Millie Simms
Show Jumping 31 - Intro Pony A1 - Height 80cm Art 238 1.1 Ataahua Penny Royal · Millie Simms
Show Jumping 37 - Pony - Height 90cm - Art 274 1.5.3 Two Phase Ataahua Penny Royal · Millie Simms
Competitor picture for Ataahua Penny Royal