2022 Winter Olympics - NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY

Hello to all our Winter Olympic competitors,
Thursday, 28 April 2022

Unfortunately, my daughter Anna, has tested positive for Covid this morning, after returning from a hockey tournament. So, as per government regulations, Simon and I are now isolating with her. Anna is a bit sniffly and Simon and I are both testing negative. I am absolutely gutted that I will not be able to attend the event on Saturday, after many months of preparation!

But, I am so so grateful for the support of so many who have stepped up to enable the 2022 Winter Olympics to continue as planned.

In particular, thanks to Paula von Dadelszen, who has been my 2IC for many years. She has her department in ship-shape, no surprises there. The Cowboy crew, the Hunter ring, the Kindy Ring and the Secondhand shop all have very capable and experienced organisers on board.

The super efficient Jacqui Symes, has taken over my role and looks to have a handle on everything. And the Dannevirke Hunt members and various kind locals have also stepped up… we really live in the most amazing community. Apparently dozens of people turned up for the working-bee this afternoon, isn’t that just brilliant. I’m just so so grateful!

Thanks also to our workers, we really have a great bunch of people around us and enable us to focus on Wintery Olympic jobs.

This event has a heart and sole of its own and the 2022 Winter Olympics will be proof of that. My family may be some what sidelined but the support we (and this event) has received has been unwavering.

Appropriately, the 2022 Winter Olympics is a Rural Support Trust fundraiser and a shining example of how our local equestrian community do so much to help those in their time of need.

And even today, at this short notice, I have had donations from Muff Aitkin, Katja Kershaw and Mandy Gray. With these last minute contributions, I am confident that we are going to exceed last year’s total of $42,000. Imagine the amount of people who are now going to receive the help they need, to get through tough times. My family has benefitted from the services that the Rural Support Trust offer and I highly recommend turning to them for support!

On Saturday, I will be isolating and watching from the balcony with my binoculars, so I hope to hear lots of cheering. Please make this the best Olympics yet!

Thanks and good luck,
Kind regards, Claire Wilson